Monday 26 October 2015

Common Nephrology Multiple Choice Questions And Answers

21- In which of the following circumstances would the treatment of anaemia with erythropeitin still be expected to be effective?
1) Aluminium toxicity
2) Folate deficiency
3) Hyperkalaemia
4) Infection
5) Iron deficiency

22- A 66-year-old man has developed chronic renal failure with a serum urea of 60 mmol/L and creatinine of 650 micromol/L. Auscultation of the chest reveals a friction rub over the cardiac apex. He is most likley to have a pericarditis that is termed?
1) Constrictive
2) Fibrinous
3) Hemorrhagic
4) Purulent
5) Serous

23- Which of the following is characteristic of Bartter's Syndrome?
1) Secondary hyperaldosteronism
2) Hyperkalaemia
3) Metabolic acidosis
4) Reduced renal concentrating ability
5) Diarrhoea

24- Which of the following is NOT a recognised cause of acute tubular necrosis?
1) Rhabdomyolysis
2) Paracetamol poisoning
3) Hypovolaemia
4) Hypertension
5) Corticosteroid therapy

25- A 49-year-old woman has been an inpatient for the past 10 days for treatment of a bronchopneumonia. She has developed the onset of chills, fever, and skin rash over the past two days. A peripheral blood film reveals eosinophilia. On urinalysis she has ++ proteinuria. There is no past history of renal disease. Her hemoglobin A1C is normal. These findings would most strongly suggest which of the following diagnoses?
1) Acute serum sickness
2) Acute tubular necrosis
3) Drug-induced interstitial nephritis
4) IgA nephropathy
5) Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis

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