Sunday 13 December 2015

Frequently Asked Pharmacology Objective Type Questions And Answers

51- Useful therapy for improving fertility in Polycystic ovarian syndrome include
1) Cyproterone acetate
2) Ethinyl oestradiol
3) Metformin
4) Glibenclamide
5) Spironolactone

52- A 45 year old male type 1 diabetic with a number of complex diabetic gastrointestinal complications is noted to have a PR interval of 0.18s, a QRS duration of 0.1s and a QT interval of 0.48s on routine ECG. Which of the following drugs may be responsible?
1) Cisapride
2) Octreotide
3) Co-trimoxazole
4) Domperidone
5) Cimetidine

53- Which of the following is true of radioactive iodine (131I) therapy?
1) Causes hypothyroidism in 90% of treated patients within 3 months
2) Causes a deterioration in ophthalmopathy in patients with Graves disease
3) Is associated with a subsequently increased risk of infertility
4) Is associated with an increased risk of thyroid lymphoma
5) Is the preferred treatment in amiodarone induced thyrotoxicosis

54- Erythropoietin therapy causes
1) Benign intracranial hypertension
2) Myositis
3) Hypotension
4) Seizures
5) Osteoporosis

55- Which of the following is a feature of Vancomycin-resistant enterococci?
1) cause resistant infective diarrhoea
2) produce an enzyme that inactivates vancomycin
3) may be found in healthy community volunteers not recently hospitalized
4) high dose ampicillin is the treatment of choice
5) are commonly vancomycin-dependent

56- Oral therapy with which of the following may cause galactorrhoea?
1) Bromocriptine
2) Cabergoline
3) Spironolactone
4) Cimetidine
5) Domperidone

57- Which of the following is currently recommended as the drug of choice in treating refractory ventricular fibrillation or pulseless ventricular tacchycardia?
1) Adenosine
2) Amiodarone
3) Bretyllium
4) Lignocaine
5) Magnesium

58- A 55 year old man presents with gynaecomastia while receiving treatment for Heart failure.
Which of the following drugs is most likely to be the cause of his gynaecomastia?
1) Amiloride
2) Carvedilol
3) Frusemide
4) Omeprazole
5) Ramipril

59- An elderly man with a history of asthma, congestive heart failure, and peptic ulcer disease is admitted with bronchospasm and rapid atrial fibrillation. He recieves frequent nebulised salbutamol and IV digoxin loading, his regular medications are continued. 24 hours after admission his serum potassium is noted to be 2.8 mmol/l. Which of his medications is most likely to have caused this abnormality.
1) Digoxin
2) ACE inhibitor
3) Salbutamol
4) Ranitidine
5) Spironolactone

60- A 24-year-old man presents with a headache that has been present for nine months. He has headache almost every day, mainly frontal, sometimes with nausea. Current medication includes paracetamol, brufen and codeine with only transient relief of symptoms. He has a history of depression. Examination was normal.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
1) analgesic misuse headache
2) cluster headache
3) frontal brain tumour
4) headache due to depression
5) migraine

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