Sunday 13 December 2015

Experienced Pharmacology Multiple Choice Questions And Answers

81- Which of the following statements concering the treatment of acute myocardial infarction is correct?
1) A pansystolic murmur developing within the first 24 hours does not require further investigation.
2) Dipyridamole therapy reduces reinfarction within the first year.
3) Heparin is beneficial if given with streptokinase.
4) Prophylactic lignocaine given in the first 48 hours is effective in preventing ventricular fibrillation
5) Treatment with a dihydropyridine calcium antagonist is associated with increased cardiovascular mortality.

82- A 67 year old man presents with sudden onset atrial fibrillation (ventricular rate of 150/minute). His serum creatinine concentration was 250 umol/L (70-110). What is the main factor that determines the choice of loading dose of digoxin in this patient?
1) Absorption
2) Apparent volume of distribution
3) Lipid solubility
4) Plasma half-life
5) Renal clearance

83- Folic acid metabolism can be affected by
1) tetracycline
2) pyrimethamine
3) vitamin B12
4) penicillin
5) brufen

84- Which ONE statement is true regarding the treatment of iron deficiency anaemia:
1) iron is absorbed in the distal jejunum
2) absorption of iron is increased by ascorbic acid
3) sustained release iron is a useful way of giving larger doses
4) ferrous sulphate 200mg has less elemental iron than the same dose of ferrous gluconate
5) parenteral iron is indicated when the anaemia responds slowly to oral iron

85- Which of the following concerning Pityriasis rosea is correct?
1) It is due to a fungal infection
2) It is characterised by flat scaly patches
3) It is frequently associated with oro-genital itching
4) May be preceded by intense itching
5) Tends to recur after apparent cure

86- A 76-year-old with a recent history of cerebral haemorrhage is admitted with a cough, worsening breathlessness and right pleuritic chest pain. He is also mildly pyrexial. His ventilation-perfusion scan reveals several areas of ventilation/perfusion mismatches. What is the most appropriate line of management?
1) aspirin therapy
2) antibiotics
3) inferior vena cava filter
4) low molecular weight heparin treatment
5) warfarin treatment

87- A 70 year old male was receiving amiodarone 200 mg daily for intermittent atrial fibrillation. However, he was aware of tiredness and lethargy. He appeared clinically euthyroid with no palpable goitre.
Investigations revealed:
Serum free T4 23pmol/L (9-26)
Serum total T3 0.8 nmol/L (0.9-2.8)
Serum TSH 8.2 mU/L (<5)
Which of the following statements would explain these results?
1) Abnormal thyroxine binding globulin
2) Amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism
3) 'sick euthyroid' syndrome
4) Spontaneous hypothyroidism
5) TSH secreting pituitary adenoma

88- 56 year old male with left ventricular systolic dysfunction was dyspnoeic on climbing stairs but not at rest. The patient was commenced on ramipril and frusemide. Which one of the following drugs would improve the patient's prognosis?
1) Amiodarone
2) Amlodipine
3) Bisoprolol
4) Digoxin
5) Nitrate therapy

89- A 60-year-old man with a past history of controlled hypertension presents with acute onset weakness of his left arm, that resolved over 12 hours. He had suffered two similar episodes over the last three months. Examination reveals a blood pressure of 132/82 mmHg and he is in atrial fibrillation with a ventricular rate of 85 per minute. CT brain scan is normal.
What is the most appropriate management?
1) amiodarone
2) aspirin
3) digoxin
4) dipyridamole
5) warfarin

90- A 45 year old female presents with a 6 month history of exertional dyspnoea and is diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis. Over the last one year she has received a variety of medications. Which of the following drugs could be responsible?
1) Dexamethasone
2) Ibuprofen
3) nalidixic acid
4) penicillamine
5) sulphasalazine

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