Sunday 13 December 2015

Pharmacology Objective Type Questions And Answers

11- Which of the following may be responsible for an acute relapse of Systemic Lupus rythematosus in a 38 year old female?
1) hydralazine therapy
2) Pregnancy
3) Progesterone only contraceptive pill
4) Salmeterol therapy
5) Winter holiday in Lapland

12- Which of the following drugs is most likely to cause systemic lupuslike syndrome?
1) baclofen
2) isoniazid
3) methotrexate
4) procainamide
5) sulphasalazine

13- Which of the following reactions is involved in the metabolism of paracetamol under normal conditions?
1) cytochrome p450 dependent oxidation
2) hydrolysis
3) conjugation to glucuronic acid
4) conjugation to glutathione
5) acetylation

14- An 85 year old woman presented with bilateral osteoarthritis of the knees. She had no history of previous gastrointestinal disease. Which of the following is the most appropriate initial treatment for her?
1) Celecoxib
2) Naproxen
3) Dihydrocodeine
4) Paracetamol
5) Topical diclofenac.

15- A 24 year old man presented twelve hours after an overdose of dihydrocodeine 1.2 g and paracetamol 30 g. He had pinpoint pupils, a Glasgow Coma Scale score of 14 and a blood pressure of 100/60 mmHg. Which one of the following is the most appropriate management?
1) 500ml of 10% glucose intravenously over four hours.
2) Intravenous Flumazenil.
3) Intravenous Naloxone.
4) Intravenous N-acetylcysteine.
5) Oral activated charcoal.

16- A youth worker, aged 40, presents to Accident and Emergency with vomiting. On detailed questioning, he admits to having taken 36 paracetamol tablets 2 hours previously. He is vomiting profusely with a BP of 90/60. Which of the following measures would be most appropriate?
1) Paracetamol levels
2) oral methionone
3) IV N-acetyl cysteine
4) IV fluids
5) Coagulation screen

17- An 18-year-old woman is admitted after taking drugs at a night-club. Which of the following features suggest she had taken Ecstasy (MDMA)?
1) A pyrexia of 40oC
2) hypernatraemia
3) hypokalaemia
4) metabolic acidosis
5) respiratory depression

18- A 67 year old man presents with sudden onset atrial fibrillation (ventricular rate of 150/minute). His serum creatinine concentration was 250 umol/L (70-110). What is the main factor that determines the choice of loading dose of digoxin in this patient?
1) Absorption
2) Apparent volume of distribution
3) Lipid solubility
4) Plasma half-life
5) Renal clearance

19- A 30-year-old man presents with a history of transient loss of consciousness and palpitations. His ECG shows ventricular tachycardia.
Which of the following treatments should be avoided?
1) adenosine
2) amiodarone
3) DC cardioversion
4) flecainide
5) verapamil

20- A 58-year-old man has a history of obesity, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, low back pain and IHD. He presents with large, itchy wheals over the trunk and limbs and a sensation of tightness in the throat. Which one of the following drugs is the most likely to have triggered this skin eruption?
1) aspirin
2) GTN (nitrate) spray
3) omeprazole
4) paracetamol
5) simvastatin

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