Monday 26 October 2015

New Drugs Objective Type Questions And Answers

5-Inhaled insulin is approved for the treatment of diabetes. In which of the following should inhaled insulin be avoided?
1) Autoimmune disease
2) Depression
3) Obesity
4) Peripheral vascular disease
5) Smokers

6-A 33-year-old female presents and says she is being treated with rimonabant for obesity associated with impaired fasting glucose. Which of the following is Rimonabant?
1) 5HT receptor anatagonist
2) Cannabinoid receptor anatagonist
3) GABA receptor agonist
4) Insulin receptor antagonist
5) Noradrenergic receptor anatagonist

7-A 36-year-old female presents with a 6 month history of having problems sleeping at night. She has been woken on numerous occassions by her legs which are irritable and feel that they are being tugged.She needs to keep moving them. This urge lasts variable periods and she finds little relief from rubbing the legs. No abnormalities are noted on examination of her legs. Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment for this
1) Amitriptyline
2) Gabapentin
3) Psychiatric referral
4) Ropirinole
5) Venlafaxine

8-A 45-year-old man with Type 2 Diabetes is being treated with Exenatide. Which of the following would be a recognised adverse effect of his treatment?
1) Hyperglycaemia
2) Hypertension
3) Peripheral oedema
4) Renal impairment
5) Weight loss

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