Monday 26 October 2015

13 Top Opthalmology Objective Type Questions And Answers

1- Which of the following may be associated with optic atrophy?
1) XXY karyotype
2) Low plasma caeruloplasmin
3) Anti-Acetylcholinesterase antibodies
4) Red Ragged fibres on muscle biopsy
5) Intense iron deposition on liver biopsy

2- Which ONE of the following diagnoses is associated with acute Iritis?
1) keratoconus
2) Lyme disease
3) osteogenesis imperfecta
4) Psoriatic arthropathy
5) Refsum's disease

3- A 23-year-old man presents with visual loss in the right eye, diagnosed as optic neuritis.
Which one of the following statements would be seen in an afferent pupillary defect?
1) accommodation response is unaffected
2) hypersensitive response to pilocarpine in the affected eye
3) irregular pupil of the affected eye
4) pupil of affected eye larger than the unaffected eye
5) pupil of affected eye smaller than the unaffected eye

4- A 22 year old female presents with a month history of episodic, brief visual loss affecting the right eye. Over the last one year she had gained a considerable amount of weight. Examination reveals a BMI of 35, with bilateral optic disc swelling, worse on the right and small retinal haemorrhages on the right.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
1) benign intracranial hypertension
2) Craniopharyngioma
3) Graves' Ophthalmopathy
4) Optic neuritis
5) sagittal sinus thrombosis

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